What factors make a city tourist focus? What are the favorite destinations of travelers? On World Tourism Da, we have taken to the streets to answer these questions.
On World Tourism Da, held on September 27, Ocholeguas.com has taken to the streets to know what are the favorite tourist destinations Spaniards and foreigners. The main conclusion of this adventure is that Spain is one of the countries that top the list, and visitors who know it repeated again and again.
In addition, most runs several regions rather than settle for a visit to the capital, although it is one of the major cities that receives praise from foreign tourists, cumberland lake is often subjected to comparisons with Barcelona, eternal rival. To taste the colors: there are those who love the architecture of Gaudí Barcelona confess, and also those who are enamored of the "thousand faces" of Madrid. Ambassadors of our land
Usually, we tend to praise cumberland lake the virtues of our place of origin. Undoubtedly, each person is the best ambassador for her land. Elche, Alicante cumberland lake city that hosts the largest palm grove in Europe, Granada, with its Alhambra, its mountains cumberland lake and its picturesque streets, or Sevilla, are some of the cities most recommended by its own inhabitants.
When recommending elsewhere surfers opt for Australian or canary cumberland lake beaches, such as Lanzarote, famous for its huge waves. After the advertising campaign which involved the World Ftbol held last year, South Africa, the host country, has managed to gain a foothold in the minds of travelers everywhere, cumberland lake do not hesitate recommending his visit "by the people and beautiful landscapes."
But what are the characteristics required of a target to become tourist focus for excellence? The combo of attributes is varied and includes everything from the good weather and the quality of the beaches, to the culture, I gastronomao a nice nightlife.
This year, the World Tourism Day is celebrated under the theme 'Tourism and rapprochement of cultures'. UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) on this date commemorates the anniversary cumberland lake of the approval of its statutes. The day will be devoted to deepen the sensitization of the international community cumberland lake of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, and econmico politician as well as in its value contribucina the challenges sealados in the Millennium Development Goals by the United Nations Millennium Goals (MDGs).
There is a little known destination but many of us when we hear Yellowstone, we imagine Yogi stealing picnic cumberland lake tourists. There is a story about this park that I recommend "snack with Yogi" and if you want to visit Bali, from the hand of a witch "lizards, smiles and comets."
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There may decide on which is the preferred place to travel, because each site has its charm, I am passionate cdiz for its beaches, Galicia for its food and charming views of the sea in bad weather., I love malaga climate ..... but also I can not forget cumberland lake .... the mdulas in len .... and stone monastery (zaragoza) cumberland lake .... both take you to a quiet, in the countryside, no noise, all full of vegetation,,,, it's beautiful.
In Spain definitely my favorite place Asturias, was the family vacation destination! I have so many memories, eat so well! landscape ... its amazing beaches are roughly Oviedo and of course! As a city Madrid is unique! French Pyrenees atlnticos me mad about the Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France's cumberland lake Brittany cumberland lake ... Portugal, has magnificent beaches, the food is wonderful, great weather and lovely people. In Italy, especially in Rome, I feel at home. England is ... as a story, each city has its charm, especially Bath, White Island, the New Forest and Cornwall! And Ireland, more of the same, is a country full of charm. And to break tpicos, dir that I have always eaten a great time in Ireland or England.
I love the Heart of Portugal, between Lisbon and Oporto: Wonderful food especially cod (who cooked a thousand ways which best), coffee and sweets. In Aveiro cumberland lake and Coimbra find many bakeries that produce countless specialties of do not let you try the "Pasteis of Tentugal" and "Ovos Moles". Also required to visit the beaches of Costa Nova, I recommend the triangle-Coimbra, Aveiro Figueira da Foz. Coimbra with its university cumberland lake atmosphere and monuments, with its wonderful beaches Figueira and spectacular casino, and Aveiro is picturesque with its canals and streets full of charm. If you want to "freak out" get close to the "Mata de Buaco", a forest with a hotel in a