TTXVA | About letter to President Ho Chi Minh to President Harry Truman, dated 28-02-1946 snow holidays
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During the White House meeting between President Barack Obama and the President Truong Tan Sang, Chairman of HCM letter sent to President Harry Truman referred to as evidence for the initial set of relations between the U.S. and Vietnam . Try to look at the process ...
When the Atlantic Charter announced summer, 1941, he saw the Olympics HCM struggle for independence from French colonialism. Charter launched with the consent of the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated respect snow holidays for national sovereignty as well as the re-establishment of the independence of the country was deprived of all rights. America is one of the first countries that he thought HCM as a help needed this time. And the first opportunity appeared in 1944, when a U.S. plane crashes in the sky Cao Bang. The lieutenant pilot William snow holidays Shaw is survived Vietnam Minh City and immediately removed from the affected locations. The following day, French troops surrounded the area, remove and find aircraft pilot. Following France's Japan. However, Shaw was taken to Bo Lung village, at the time he prepared to go HCM Kunming (China). Chairman of HCM guerrilla squad commanded by Le Quang Ba protection Shaw and Shaw then taken to meet requirements. At the end of his talk, he promised to pay Shaw for HCM Allies snow holidays in Kunming. Before parting, he handed Shaw HCM requirements for upper-level English version of "Front Platform Minh City Vietnam".
At the end of 1944, he HCM to Kunming. Shaw is going to be back under the Command of the U.S. Air Force at that. When Thien Bao delegation, district chief Jingxi tell Tran Bao Phuong (Gen. Chiang Kai-shek), and Mr. Shaw HCM is required for their delivery. This is a conspiracy to "rob the" - said Mai Van Bo Author snow holidays of the book The Way of thousands of miles of Ho Chi Minh. At the time of Kunming, in addition to headquarters U.S. Air Force 14 under the command of Gen. Claire Chennault, also the General Strategic Services (OSS - the forerunner of U.S. intelligence agencies CIA) and relief agencies not Army (Agas). When to Kunming, he immediately contact HCM Agas. When he heard about the Vietnamese subordinates Ming Shaw Research, Charles Fenn Agas commander immediately agreed to meet him HCM. After the exposure 17-3-1945 days, Fenn and Mr. Charles HCM second on 20-3-1945 and arrange meetings with Claire Chennault.
It should be emphasized that, in the face of political 1940s, when Southeast Asia becomes one of the hottest spots in the world, the U.S. began to pay more attention to Indochina. General William Donovan - OSS commander - had secretly sent two intelligence officials to the region: Colonel Lieutenant Colonel John Whitaker and Archimedes snow holidays Patti to study the actual situation. Go to Kunming on 14-4-1945, Archimedes Patti quickly realizes the complexity of the board of Indochina, the Japanese have the ability to attack the Southwest China, at the end of the French defeat in one battle after another, Visualizing the tables continue to be difficult in the face of China's political ...
Archimedes Patti also be heard on the growth of Vietnam Minh City. After hearing the report of the Vietnam Ming Shaw examined as well as his contacts with HCM Claire Chennault and Charles Fenn, Patti decided snow holidays to meet in person with President Hu. Afternoon of 27-4-1945, Patti tea shop in the suburbs to Jingxi, pending United Minh Phuong (the hook contacts between snow holidays Vietnamese and U.S. intelligence Minh City). Dusk, Mr. Wang arrived, Patti led to a small village about 10km from Jingxi. During the meeting, President Hu goes straight to the point: "The cooperation with the Allies against the Japanese in Indochina war that we did, in fact, demonstrate that we are ready to cooperate with the U.S. government ". Patti also said that President Hu's name is actually no stranger to American politics, had been mentioned in the document snow holidays the U.S. State Department ...
On request assistance, Mr. Minh said: "If America is to arrange Allied snow holidays provides communications equipment and some light weapons, enough to equip a small unit and sent trainers to use the weapon, make sure that the situation will change. " One of the key points in the final round of this contact is an agreement for Allied intelligence bases in Vietnam Minh City. On 15-4-1945, the Allied intelligence was brought into Vietnam Ming bases. He told Mr. Cao Minh Hong Linh and Quoc Van: "It is said that cloud Allied anti-fascists, they took apart the Japanese situation, while also holding my situation. This is a group of professional intelligence, in Indochina was long. Took them in and then in relation to the daily management of how to get their work and also good for you. Three motto and I must remember to solve all the work: T
Home Vietnam The Vietnam Education Society 5 European Economic Cultural Life cruel fate Thread: World of Knowledge WikiLeaks Technology Territories snow holidays Human Rights - Democracy Together Against Corruption Human Rights Profile Video / Photo cartoonist Radio Blogger News & Laugh Daily circumvention
During the White House meeting between President Barack Obama and the President Truong Tan Sang, Chairman of HCM letter sent to President Harry Truman referred to as evidence for the initial set of relations between the U.S. and Vietnam . Try to look at the process ...
When the Atlantic Charter announced summer, 1941, he saw the Olympics HCM struggle for independence from French colonialism. Charter launched with the consent of the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated respect snow holidays for national sovereignty as well as the re-establishment of the independence of the country was deprived of all rights. America is one of the first countries that he thought HCM as a help needed this time. And the first opportunity appeared in 1944, when a U.S. plane crashes in the sky Cao Bang. The lieutenant pilot William snow holidays Shaw is survived Vietnam Minh City and immediately removed from the affected locations. The following day, French troops surrounded the area, remove and find aircraft pilot. Following France's Japan. However, Shaw was taken to Bo Lung village, at the time he prepared to go HCM Kunming (China). Chairman of HCM guerrilla squad commanded by Le Quang Ba protection Shaw and Shaw then taken to meet requirements. At the end of his talk, he promised to pay Shaw for HCM Allies snow holidays in Kunming. Before parting, he handed Shaw HCM requirements for upper-level English version of "Front Platform Minh City Vietnam".
At the end of 1944, he HCM to Kunming. Shaw is going to be back under the Command of the U.S. Air Force at that. When Thien Bao delegation, district chief Jingxi tell Tran Bao Phuong (Gen. Chiang Kai-shek), and Mr. Shaw HCM is required for their delivery. This is a conspiracy to "rob the" - said Mai Van Bo Author snow holidays of the book The Way of thousands of miles of Ho Chi Minh. At the time of Kunming, in addition to headquarters U.S. Air Force 14 under the command of Gen. Claire Chennault, also the General Strategic Services (OSS - the forerunner of U.S. intelligence agencies CIA) and relief agencies not Army (Agas). When to Kunming, he immediately contact HCM Agas. When he heard about the Vietnamese subordinates Ming Shaw Research, Charles Fenn Agas commander immediately agreed to meet him HCM. After the exposure 17-3-1945 days, Fenn and Mr. Charles HCM second on 20-3-1945 and arrange meetings with Claire Chennault.
It should be emphasized that, in the face of political 1940s, when Southeast Asia becomes one of the hottest spots in the world, the U.S. began to pay more attention to Indochina. General William Donovan - OSS commander - had secretly sent two intelligence officials to the region: Colonel Lieutenant Colonel John Whitaker and Archimedes snow holidays Patti to study the actual situation. Go to Kunming on 14-4-1945, Archimedes Patti quickly realizes the complexity of the board of Indochina, the Japanese have the ability to attack the Southwest China, at the end of the French defeat in one battle after another, Visualizing the tables continue to be difficult in the face of China's political ...
Archimedes Patti also be heard on the growth of Vietnam Minh City. After hearing the report of the Vietnam Ming Shaw examined as well as his contacts with HCM Claire Chennault and Charles Fenn, Patti decided snow holidays to meet in person with President Hu. Afternoon of 27-4-1945, Patti tea shop in the suburbs to Jingxi, pending United Minh Phuong (the hook contacts between snow holidays Vietnamese and U.S. intelligence Minh City). Dusk, Mr. Wang arrived, Patti led to a small village about 10km from Jingxi. During the meeting, President Hu goes straight to the point: "The cooperation with the Allies against the Japanese in Indochina war that we did, in fact, demonstrate that we are ready to cooperate with the U.S. government ". Patti also said that President Hu's name is actually no stranger to American politics, had been mentioned in the document snow holidays the U.S. State Department ...
On request assistance, Mr. Minh said: "If America is to arrange Allied snow holidays provides communications equipment and some light weapons, enough to equip a small unit and sent trainers to use the weapon, make sure that the situation will change. " One of the key points in the final round of this contact is an agreement for Allied intelligence bases in Vietnam Minh City. On 15-4-1945, the Allied intelligence was brought into Vietnam Ming bases. He told Mr. Cao Minh Hong Linh and Quoc Van: "It is said that cloud Allied anti-fascists, they took apart the Japanese situation, while also holding my situation. This is a group of professional intelligence, in Indochina was long. Took them in and then in relation to the daily management of how to get their work and also good for you. Three motto and I must remember to solve all the work: T
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