Especially for you who is not daunted by the cold and do not travel marina market only where there is sun and heat, the destinations mentioned in the British Independent, it is ideal to avoid the tourist crowds and enjoy ... the cold, wild beauty. Just make sure you're dressed warmly.
The capital of Kazakhstan ( is famous for its futuristic architecture. Explore the Peace Palace, the Presidential Palace Ak Orda, or mosque Nur-Astana and see how a remote marina market and deserted area of the Asian steppes, it can be reformed with the help of millions of petrodollars .... The tower Bayterek, reaches 105 meters, is a perfect observation of the city and its symbol.
On the banks of river Tuul, the capital of Mongolia ( surrounded by four sacred mountains with dense pine forests on the northern slopes marina market and grassy steppes in the south. In summer, the weather is warm, but the winters are harsh, so be sure to wear warm clothes wool camel -as locals.
Known for its friendly residents, clean streets and beautiful parks, Minsk ( are not of the cities overrun by tourists, although it has much to offer the visitor. The circus city ( is worth a visit and is especially fun for children. The largest can watch opera or ballet tickets at prices much lower than those of most European cities. In Belarusians like the evening entertainment so do not forget to visit a bar or club and have a few drinks marina market to warm up ....
Canadians are accustomed to cold and icy weather advantage to play their national sport, ice hockey. Watch a game at Scotiabank Place ( golf team Ottawa Senators. If you wish to try it yourself, go to the Rideau Canal, which is included in the list of cultural heritage UNESO ( marina market and is the largest natural ice rink in the world.
The cold capital of Finland is surrounded by sea and a vast archipelago, being a city that combines the Scandinavian Urban Chic outstanding natural beauty. The Baltic marina market Sea freezes during the harsh winter and you can even go skating on the frozen water. If you prefer the snow from the ice, get a couple and go to the main ski town in Central Park ( And if you're really brave, marina market take part in winter swimming teams camping Rastila a very ... refreshing dip.
Bucharest ( marina market can be very cold in winter, but in spring the city puts ... well and is a popular destination. Known as "little Paris", although with prices much lower than in the French capital, Bucharest, offers an interesting mix of classic architecture, marina market romantic atmosphere and majestic buildings from the communist era that remain to remind the city's past.
The capital of Lithuania ( became popular after ... tenure as Capital of Culture in 2009 and the city has become a very good choice of getaway weekends winter. A short distance outside the capital, you can do a quick but enjoyable ride snowmobile in snowy landscapes and paths through woods. Stop the frozen lake for ice fishing for your dinner marina market and give the ... smooth your cooking chef you and then explore the nightlife in one of the many bars in the old town.
Tallinn ( welcomes guests in winter, especially in the magical snowy medieval old town. Slide the outdoor rink and warm up with a heavy wine in one of the cozy cafés Tallinn. Visit Tallinn in the winter to avoid the crowds of tourists that flock to the shops in town to enjoy cheap beer during the summer months.
In a fantastic icy landscape, Nuuk is one of the most unique cities in the world. Visitors can make a helicopter ride over the vast Greenland ice sheet ( and make marine wildlife safari to see whales to "dance" on the shoreline of the island. The National Museum, located in the old accom
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