Whether it's nice to read a novel poetry books and religious texts, then! And even in the novel, which can be justly called a classic. American John Steinbeck wrote the novella Of Mice and Men (Of Mice and Men) in 1937, the book translated Jouko Linturi in 1963. Although I have not read the original English text, I am ready to give the translation it a perfect score. In some cases the language used is a bit written, but it is offset by the story of the end of the Lennien "monologue" translation is so confident and upbeat excerpts of text that rarely mesnow sees the like. John Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962.
Sometimes younger, I read Steinbeck's Cannery Row, books, good people and a celebration Thursday is full of hope. I see this now lukemassani novel so far like that it also describes the poor men, who spend a very modest life. In fact, Of Mice and Men reminds me of the Finnish Pentti Haanpää reports passage of men and jätkistä who try to pärjäillä the best of more or less temporary works apuhommien farm and forest work involved. Haanpäältäkin there is at least one "thing", where the two men goes together from house to house begging for a living.
Of Mice and Men tells the story of a starring Lennie and George. Lennie is perhaps the memory sick or just our heikompilahjaisten rank among. George has made the effort to go out with him. The patron saint George not still may appoint. There's no angels, and even though some of the story of the characters come on stage as part of the devil's compatible, they also can be found in words and actions to ensure the same human-like desires and aspirations that guide us all. The story is written in the deep sympathetic. mesnow Events, stages, described human fates do not give rise ilonpurkauksiin. Lennien and George's story is tragic. Bad omens are in the air from the beginning. Still, the narrative remains wonderfully loose, I'm distressed as a reader of this book.
Title of the novel, Of Mice and Men, from an old poem, in which maamies to plow the field to the mouse was the family home apart. He did not do it, but he hurt his wickedness mice without knowing mesnow it. Also, Lennie will time and again smashed the large kourissaan to keep most of the world. He keeps softness. Aunt of the samettikankaan piece is lost, so Lennie to catch mice to smooth mesnow At their soft fur. When the mice bite, Lennie crumple them to death. He does it to himself realizing the attack and realizing their own enormous mesnow powers. That is just how we humans be ground against each other. While we devastate each other, so easily reject entrants into close proximity and cause them displeasure, which may be difficult to understand - bites the hand stroking.
The story of a big theme, which states clearly the social ills. Black Stable farmhands discrimination seems incomprehensible. Through him, the author describes all the men in the story of loneliness and rootlessness, but above all, black miserable fate of the Caucasian society. Lennie and George are the "white trash". Within these lowest segments of the population destinies of the book is about. The story of the men are like the chaff which are just waiting when the wind takes them goes. And the wind have to be a wind of God.
Bookmark narrative resembles a play. Descriptive Text ranks of each chapter (scene) to the top and to influence instruction from the stage set designer for. Most of all the events are described through discussions or should I say, that the events consist of discussions. I can imagine that this story is presented in theaters with great success.
Of Mice and Men came to read a couple of days. The book is very easy to read. Only venues description of the reading went from me stiffly. mesnow Since most of the book is clear dialogue, reading is progressing apace.
Steinbeck text is transformed into a play, indeed, naturally, and now Turku FACTORY Theatre has taken minded in its implementation. The premiere is 04/05/2013, welcome to visit! http://www.kaisavision.fi/joom/fi/ohjelmistossa/hiiria-ja-ihmisia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEUrHLdqCvs&feature=share Delete
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