Wednesday, November 26, 2014

2014 (52) November (5) October (4) September (9) August (6) July (7) June (3) May (

Many people say that you do not see stars in the city. Until you a morning half four for no reason, at your kitchen szkwał window and peering out, and the sound of a passing szkwał plane he looked you in the air. Then you see it suddenly, stars in the city. Many of them. You also hear the dogs in the neighborhood somewhere szkwał barking and the distant hiss of the small hours cars on the highway, you hear the tip-tap of last night's late-night rain, you smell the strong, sweet, wholesome smell of wet earth, szkwał and all the who what, you see stars in the city.
2014 (52) November (5) October (4) September (9) August (6) July (7) June (3) May (5) APR (5) March (3) February (5) 2013 (16) December (6) March (4) February (2) January (4) 2010 (1) March (1) Stars in the City

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