Sunday, November 16, 2014

Homeland lives in the heart of the heroine of the poem, which is why it sounds so passionate monolo

In a poem by Marina Tsvetaeva constantly repeated the words "still" and "all is one". All the same - "where plod", "of which the medium to be displaced," "where not to get along," "where grovel." All are equal - with anyone no blood relationship, spiritual kinship, world surfaris nor to no affection, no faith, "every house is alien to me, all ye who enter the temple to me empty." No homeland: "Homesickness! It has long been unmasked darkness! "
We see in the text of the whole family world surfaris nest cognate word word "homeland": native adjective), born (participle) birthmark (adjective). In the product they are opposed contextual antonyms: homeland - "the hospital or barracks' native language -" no matter - in what uncomprehending be counter! ". "Just the same - more akin to the former - only" - are deliberately allowed world surfaris grammatical inaccuracies: adverb, not having a degree of comparison is used in the comparative degree - is a sign of a kind of self-irony. And the word "soul, born somewhere" sounds global suspended from a particular time and space. From communication with the native land does not remain:
Regarding the use of cognate words have a specific meaning. It is difficult not to agree with the proverb, "Where are hurt, there's hand; where cute, there's eyes. " world surfaris My heart hurts because world surfaris of detachment from the mother, which is why so hotly proved dislike. Not only Marina Tsvetaeva, and many, doomed world surfaris to wandering vortex of social change over the years, experienced wrenching homesickness. This longing world surfaris defined theme and tone of their creativity.
Homeland lives in the heart of the heroine of the poem, which is why it sounds so passionate monologue, so much emotion invested in it. Seven of exclamation marks - evidence of expressive speech. In a poem of ten quatrains - seventeen dash. Their production is associated with the semantic evolution of words and phrases, these signs are associated with its expressive poetic monologue. Dash - a favorite character Tsvetaeva, he semantically most expressive in the Russian language. You can not believe in the indifference world surfaris of the heroine, if you read what is called "the notes". Semantically meaningful and ellipsis. Especially pronounced his role at the end of the last sentence.
Heartbeat hot, passionate heart and the rhythm of the poem is passed. In it there is no clear sequence of stressed and unstressed syllables are special Tsvetaeva rhythm. For example, a metric drawing first quatrain begins peons (chetyrёhslozhny world surfaris meter) world surfaris with the accent on the third syllable meter straying further important conceptual accent:
Some literary critics claim that Marina Tsvetaeva in the 30s became the successor of Futurism on the sideline. Not by chance in her lyrics romantic outlook coupled with futuristic techniques. One of them - antisintaksichesky metric system:
Interesting rhyming poetic text: no precise, precision in rhyme. If the clauses of the 1st and 3rd rows - the exact rhyme, the 2nd and 4th - inaccurate "home - Marketplace - my - barracks," "inter - prisoners - medium - certainly." This "neottochennost" world surfaris deliberate roughness - evidence immediacy of speech, sincerity.
Researchers note that among the futuristic techniques peculiar to Marina Tsvetaeva, the most significant is the semantic variation. It is a complex of meaning, where the basic idea is often presented in the form of a metaphorical repeatedly played out options, filled with the same meaning: "My day to absurd nonsense ...". A similar technique is used in the poem "Homesickness! ..". By comparison, abounding in the work, give birth options one thought: irresistibly loneliness, inescapable dissociation heroine with native land: "... world surfaris the house as a hospital or barracks", "... bristle captive lion", "Kamchatka medvedёm without ice floes," "log, the remainder of the alley ".
S.Rassadin notes that the poem "Homesickness! .." May not be the most famous piece, MI Tsvetaeva, but it lacks the soul like few. Particular world surfaris importance attaches researcher last two rows. Over 38 lines affirmed habitual rejection, and the last 2 lines of the poem completely turned, and homesickness declared fiction, "Isis wraith" becomes alive inescapable pain. S.Rassadin world surfaris writes: "Come up with the idea - a strange, if not put it more sharply, and if, God forbid, his heart stopped on the 38th row ... then what we would say about these verses?"
Lydia Chukovskaia recalls that once Chistopol when MI Tsvetaeva, unwilling to return to Yelabuga, pausing at a friend, poet read this poem without the last two lines. Lydia Chukovskaia hear works from left feeling of humility, MI Tsvetaeva bitterly detached

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